A million little earth-changing ideas
Please participate!
terça-feira, 14 de outubro de 2008
Postado por Teca às 15:42 0 comentários
SHAME ON you, brazil...
What a shame!! I'm ashamed to be brazilian!! I just discovered that there is a law, already approved by "our" congress that allows companies to do animal testing and another that allows animal killing for purposes of "rituals"!!
We are going backwards!! Please help us protest against this barbarity!!
Write to our most influent newspapers: forum@estado.com.br or editor@estadao.com.br (O Estado de São Paulo)or emergencia@uol.com.br (Folha Online)
Postado por Teca às 11:40 0 comentários
quinta-feira, 14 de agosto de 2008
Dynamic Interactive Filter
DIF - Dynamic Interactive Filter
DIF é um sistema de filtragem interativa de público-alvo através da construção, imersão e relacionamento em uma realidade altenada.
Concebido a partir do conceito de substituição do meio conhecido, o DIF tem como seu principal diferencial a capacidade de extrair e atingir diretamente o público foco desejado pela filtragem que ocorre durante as diversas etapas da ação.
O DIF tem como características básicas:
* Dynamic – mudanças de parâmetros ao longo da ação conforme seu desenvolvimento x output desejado
* Interactive – amplitude de troca de insight usuário x ação, a qualquer nível de profundidade, utilizando-se das mais diversas plataformas de comunicação
* Filter – seleção natural direcionada
permitindo um total controle de resultados.
Criado pela publicitária brasileira Teca Arantes em 2007, o DIF tem servido como valiosa ferramenta de marketing nos dias atuais.
Mais informações: teca@motivare.com.br
DIF is an interactive filtering system implemented throught the construction, immersion and related actions in a created alternate reality.
Conceived upon the concept of substitution of the known existence, DIF’s main differential is the conveyance of the ability to extract and communicate directly with a very focused group of consumers through a filtering process that happens during the several steps of the action.
DIF is built upon three main features:
* Dynamic – parameters can and will be changed during the action according to it’s development x desired output
* Interactive – ample exchange of insights between consumer & system at any level, through diverse platforms of communication
* Filter – maneuverable natural selection
allowing for the full control of results.
Created by a brazilian advertising professional Teca Arantes in 2007, DIF is been utilized as a valuable marketing tool.
More info: teca@motivare.com.br
Dynamic Interactive Filter by DIF is licensed under a Creative Commons Atribuição-Uso Não-Comercial 3.0 Estados Unidos License.
Dynamic Interactive Filter by DIF is licensed under a Creative Commons Atribuição-Uso Não-Comercial 2.5 Brasil License.
Dynamic Interactive Filter by DIF is licensed under a Creative Commons Atribuição-Uso Não-Comercial 2.5 UK: Scotland License.
Postado por Teca às 14:11 0 comentários
Marcadores: ARG, consumer focus, marketing tool
terça-feira, 15 de julho de 2008
sexta-feira, 4 de julho de 2008
quinta-feira, 26 de junho de 2008
Vale a pena assistir:
Postado por Teca às 16:34 0 comentários
Where the Hell is Matt? (2008) from Matthew Harding on Vimeo.
Fiquei pensando, olhando todos os países pelo qual ele passou, que se todas as coisas do mundo fossem resolvidas com esse espírito, pelas pessoas e não pelos governos que dizem as representar, nada poderia dar errado.
I was thinking - while watching all those countries he's been to - that if matters of the world could be resolved with this spirit, by the people and not by their so called representative governments, nothing could go wrong anymore.
Postado por Teca às 11:17 0 comentários
Marcadores: a better world, good will, good wishes for the future, people, spirit, where the hell is matt
segunda-feira, 23 de junho de 2008
at the end of the video, the lettering says: "why is it that some children are our problem and others are not?"
Postado por Teca às 13:33 1 comentários
Marcadores: Cannes Lions 2008, children, poverty, silver
sexta-feira, 13 de junho de 2008
Politically incorrect...
...and very funny!
Postado por Teca às 11:56 0 comentários
Marcadores: achmed the dead terrorist, comédia, funny, ventríloco
quinta-feira, 12 de junho de 2008
Parece que junho está sendo um mês abençoado de alguma maneira. Várias coisas pessoais deram certo esse mês mas fora isso coisas bacanas andam acontecendo no mundo: ontem, o caso do carro protegendo o cachorrinho na marginal (leia meu post anterior), hoje recebo um email dizendo que duas garotas desaparecidas foram encontradas graças à divulgação viral da rede de amigos - fantástico!!
Big smile!
Postado por Teca às 10:41 0 comentários
Marcadores: boa ação, good deed, humanidade, humankind
quarta-feira, 11 de junho de 2008
Today I saw something that lifted my spirits: at an express highway, full of trucks & all kinds of vehicles, a single car was on the right lane, close to a long wall, at a very low pace. When I passed by I realised the motive for his low speed: he was "scorting" a dog that was trotting happily in front of the car, protecting it from other vehicles!
The expressway was full and the driver was risking being sweared or horned at but he kept the pace at all times!
Applause for this anonymous driver that made me believe a little more in humankind!
terça-feira, 10 de junho de 2008
Seriously! It must be the best animation ever!!!
I LOVE Wall-e!!!
(want one just for me!!)
check out the valentines day special:
Postado por Teca às 15:25 0 comentários
Marcadores: dia dos namorados, valentine's day, wall-e
Quem lembra? Um dos meus desenhos mais que favoritos (será que ainda passa na tv??)
Um cara, pelo visto um gênio da engenharia do papel, fez TODOS os carros da Corrida Maluca em arquivos para montar (paper toys). Merece um beijo!!!
Postado por Teca às 13:11 0 comentários
Marcadores: corrida maluca, penelope charmosa
quarta-feira, 14 de maio de 2008
Please watch
please think
please act
Postado por Teca às 16:03 0 comentários
Marcadores: green, greenhouse effect, greenpeace, life, mankind, nature design, sustaintability
terça-feira, 29 de abril de 2008
terça-feira, 22 de abril de 2008
Dejá vu
Tudo bem que o principio deste blog é só mostrar coisas bacanas de se ver e conhecer... mas quem trabalha como eu com criação e clientes vai ter uma forte sensação de dejá vu com este vídeo...
Postado por Teca às 14:45 0 comentários
sexta-feira, 11 de abril de 2008
Gre(at) Gre(en) Ideas!!
I'm not posting the whole text here, for it's a little long but it's worth spending five minutes of your time on it:
Postado por Teca às 14:53 1 comentários
Marcadores: design, environment, green, nature
sexta-feira, 14 de março de 2008
My dogs
Confesso: sou gamada nos meus dogs!
Aí embaixo, uma foto que tirei quando estávamos todos os 7 na praia (3 humanos, 4 cachorros).
Eu tinha acabado de contar uma historinha:
"Uma mulher comenta com o marido:
- Nosso cachorro é tão inteligente! Ele traz o jornal todo dia de manhã!
o marido responde:
- Não tem nada de mais. Muitos cachorros fazem isso!
ao que a mulher replica:
- E quem disse que eu fiz a assinatura?"
Postado por Teca às 12:55 1 comentários
It's a showcase for great 3D work and animation... but it's also a beautiful message!
Postado por Teca às 12:42 0 comentários
quinta-feira, 13 de março de 2008
quarta-feira, 5 de março de 2008
segunda-feira, 3 de março de 2008
terça-feira, 19 de fevereiro de 2008
Ultraje nacional
...muito bem denunciado, 521.900 views até o momento...
e nenhuma ação tomada.
O que mais me incomoda é a CARA DE PAU desses políticos: a gente reclama, denuncia, fala, saem na mídia, são criticados MAS, como NINGUÉM TOMA UMA ATITUDE DE VERDADE, os canalhas sabem que nada vai acontecer contra eles...
Resultado:...continuam roubando!
Deixa eu te dar uma péssima notícia?
Não espere que eles criem vergonha na cara: quanto mais não fazemos nada contra essa vergonha, MAIS eles vão nos roubar!
Pode escrever aí que eu assino embaixo!
Postado por Teca às 12:16 0 comentários
Bendable Human Body
The first guy is very good but the second... my goodness!!!
Postado por Teca às 12:01 0 comentários
segunda-feira, 18 de fevereiro de 2008
This guy is FANTASTIC!
pay attention to the lyrics of the song:
Shawn Farquhar Magic
Adicionar ao Meu Perfil | Mais Vídeos
Postado por Teca às 06:49 0 comentários
terça-feira, 12 de fevereiro de 2008
Something to be very furious about
Sushi or Science? Outrage Increases Over Brutal Killing of Nursing Whale Calf and Mother
“How many times must Japan be told - you don’t need to kill whales to study them.”
Darren Kindleysides, IFAW
Outrage over Japan’s “scientific” slaughter of thousands of whales for “research purposes” has intensified worldwide with shocking new footage of a nursing baby minke whale and it’s mothers harpooned with explosives, hooked by their tails and dragged aboard the Yuishin Maru whaling ship to be cut into pieces. People around the world are calling foul and asking what kind of science requires an annual massive slaughtering of marine mammals. In reality, Japan uses a loophole in international whaling laws that allows them to kill thousands of whales for what they call “science” i.e. sushi.
Nursing whale calves are already easy prey for harpooners, but after a high-speed chase the exhausted, disoriented mother and baby stood no chance against the chaser ships and high tech harpoons. The mother and infant calf were shot with pointed harpoons packed with explosives.
The shocking images of the brutal killing were captured by Australian Customs crew aboard the Oceanic Viking only meters away. The Japanese whale hunt is conducted as secretly as possible, since the actual number of killings exceeds even Japan’s already lax and corrupt regulations.
Japan is hoping to kill almost 1000 minkes and endangered fin whales under the pretext of “science”. The Australian Government intends to use such ample evidence of abuse in an international court to stop whaling. According to independent panels, Japan’s whaling industry is more sushi than science, and the only way to stop it is for other nations to stop looking the other way. Since the International Whaling Commission imposed a moratorium on commercial whaling in 1986, nations such as Australia and Britain have condemned Japan for continuing to conduct illegal commercial whaling disguised as what it dubiously calls scientific research.
Japan’s 20 years of “scientific whaling” has delivered thousands of dead whales and next to no useful knowledge of the whales they “study”. The meat is packaged and sold in the fish markets in Japan. This has more to do with sushi than science,” IFAW spokesman, Darren Kindleysides, said.
Not only is Japan acting reprehensibly, but illegally as well. Three separate panels of independent, international legal experts have confirmed that Japan’s whaling program breaches the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea, the Antarctic Treaty System and the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species (CITES) and the International Convention on the Regulation of Whaling.
At the 2007 International Whaling Commission meeting real scientists (not the sushi chefs Japan is calling “researchers”) strongly criticized Japan’s ‘scientific whaling’ for having killed nearly 7000 minke whales all why universally failing to deliver any conclusions of scientific value.
“In contrast, research in countries such as Australia, Argentina and Brazil has delivered information on their life history, including population trends, to a precision that lethal researchers could not even dream of. How many times must Japan be told - you don’t need to kill whales to study them,” said Kindleysides.
However, Japan's Institute of Cetacean Research director-general Minoru Morimoto vowed to continue with his country's sushi/science program. "We are confident of achieving the programs stated objectives for this season," he declared in spite of mounting public outrage.
from: The Daily Galaxy - february 7, 2008
Postado por Teca às 12:05 0 comentários
quarta-feira, 6 de fevereiro de 2008
Still on the subject, find below a very low cost project for water heating at home:
Postado por Teca às 11:29 0 comentários
Say what you want but I firmly believe brazilians are among the most creative people of the world. In all areas.
From a ridiculously cheap plan to install a solar energy capturing system to a new applicative for Nintendo's Wii, they create it all.
Watch this:
Postado por Teca às 11:09 0 comentários
sexta-feira, 18 de janeiro de 2008
Bhudist dance
think moving flowers, stars shinning, insects of gold...
Postado por Teca às 08:46 1 comentários
Watch this!!
I was fascinated! Sometimes it downs on me: look at the times we are living in! This is pure history being written in such few years!
Postado por Teca às 06:49 0 comentários
terça-feira, 15 de janeiro de 2008
She may be young but she shows she has "the eye"...
Wanna see more?
Postado por Teca às 11:32 0 comentários
Marcadores: freelance, photo, photography
Kika's Treats
By far the BEST on earth! If you have the opportunity, try the dark chocolate covered graham cracker - you WON'T forget!!!...
read what people are talking about it:
Juliane N. - San Francisco, CA
5 star rating
Caramelized Graham Cracker!!!!!!!!
I've been dying to try these out for the longest time.. They are pretty expensive for a bag.. $7.00? with about 6 in each bag @ Blue Fog Market.. I got it as a gift from someone (thanks DORK!) and I was extremely happy! I would buy it even if it was $10.00 now. I let my co-workers try it and it looked like they just went to heaven!
Right when you open the bag, you can smell the caramel and chocolate. Once you take one bite, you won't want to eat any other chocolate graham cracker.
Jennifer B. - San Francisco, CA
5 star rating
The Kika's Treats elves are also my neighbors! Jeeeaaalousss??
I have to tell you these treats are so amazing I'm buying up a whole lot of them (retail) and sending them out to east coast family. Using the absolute best ingredients--organic chocolate and strauss dairy..hellooo! GET SOME!!
Eriqua P. - Oakland, CA
5 star rating
Oh my God.
As an impulse buy at Rainbow Grocery last night I looked at these rectangles covered in dark chocolate. The flavour that made me buy? "Espresso Chocolate Cardamom".
Last night was chilly and I wanted to relax with tea and cookies (and watching Aliens in America online).
I made my tea and opened the package. The scent was amazing. I then took a nibble and lost consciousness...
The espresso-dark chocolate combination are one thing, but then to have the cardamom hit afterward is another thing altogether.
THESE are amazing. Decadent, but amazing. I am rationing the remaining 4 cookies for emergency purposes only!
7/9 ingredients are organic!
Laure l. - Pacifica, CA
5 star rating
Who makes Kika's Treats? The dark chocolate shortbread and the dark chocolate caramel honey graham are just so dark and addictive that it's almost criminal. I got the 5 remaining packets of graham crackers at Rainbow Grocery and everybody there from the aisles' staff to the cashier seemed to agree with me. Kika's Treats are wickedly delicious. At last some decent tea cookies with chocolate topping that doesn't melt right away and keeps its freshness
Postado por Teca às 08:42 0 comentários
quarta-feira, 9 de janeiro de 2008
Bill Gates is my hero!
Sempre admirei o cara, eu confesso. Amo o windows, os programas do office (os Macqueiros que me trucidem, mas amo mesmo!) e acima de tudo, amo poder ter acesso ao mundo virtual.
Claro que amo de paixão tudo o que o Steve Jobs faz: ele pra mim é the man, o cara que vê o futuro mas agora que o Bill tá se aposentando, bate uma pontinha de nostalgia, como se eu tivesse vivido com ele cada conquista (e cada bug, cada travada do computador...).
Chega de reminiscências: abaixo, o brilhante vídeo de despedida que o Bill fez (Steve, acho que nessa o Bill te passou!) ;)
Postado por Teca às 13:10 0 comentários
Adorei a idéia de colocarem cenas de "trash films" indianos pra gente colocar legenda...
Estou me divertindo mega!
Aí embaixo um dos meus... (hehehehe)
segue o link:
vai lá e depois me manda o seu!!
Postado por Teca às 11:26 0 comentários